We are working on building a better experience for our customers with a new version of BelaStem. Our new 2.0 Version will be announced soon. 

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Growers Quality Commitment Guide

We are excited that your farm is interested in selling on the BelaStem marketplace! BelaStem is committed to providing a transparent and open marketplace where growers can sell directly to floral professionals in the United States. In an effort to ensure that the floral professionals that you will be selling to directly receive the highest quality product, Belastem has created this Growers Quality Commitment Guide outlining what buyers on BelaStem will be looking for in the products they order. 

Best Quality of Product From Your Farm

We know that you take pride in growing only the highest quality flowers on your farm. We ask that you make available your highest quality product,  cut within a reasonable timeframe prior to shipping and handled with the utmost care.  

Ensure Accuracy and Consistency

We ask that the product that you ship is consistent in grade, color, variety, and quality that is listed in your catalog on the BelaStem platform.


We ask that orders that you accept on BelaStem are accurately packed and delivered per customer order receipt and reviewed and checked prior to shipping. Please check that the type of product, color, variety, and count are consistent with the customer’s order. 


We also ask that you only pack orders in the agreed upon unit/pack size and specified box for each product offering. Our negotiated shipping rates are based on the box size that you provide for each product and pack amount during your farm onboarding process.

Fulfill Orders In a Timely Manner

Please accept orders quickly so customers know they will be receiving their orders. Please accept orders within 2 hours of receiving the order during normal business hours.  

Manage Available Inventory On The Platform

After you have created an account and uploaded your catalog, BelaStem makes it easy for customers to find and order your products. To ensure that customers are able to purchase your product, we ask that you monitor the inventory you have marked as available on BelaStem daily and weekly.


Customers will have the ability to dispute an order based on overall quality or an incorrect fulfillment. Reasons a customer can dispute an order with the farm and request a credit include:


  • Sending a product that is not the color that the customer ordered
  • Sending a shipment with the incorrect quantity that the customer requested
  • Sending a product with the incorrect flower type from what the customer ordered
  • Sending a product that is damaged due to poor packing (product that is damaged due to internal packing issues NOT the shipper)
  • Visible and demonstrable poor quality of product, not consistent with premium export standards

BelaStem will carefully review customer disputes and will request a detailed complaint from customers (including photos, original Purchase Order outlining requested order details) with photos within 48 hours of receiving the product. If it is determined that the product sent by the farm is inconsistent with the intended order, BelaStem will request that you issue the customer a credit. You will NOT be responsible for the additional shipping, BelaStem will cover this cost. 

This policy ensures good faith for all parties working on the BelaStem platform. You can review our credit/dispute policy in the Questions and Support section under Floral Professionals/Credits and Refunds.


Remember: BelaStem is an open marketplace! Customers will be rating your product with 1-5 stars and with written reviews. If you are delivering the highest quality product and responding to customer orders quickly, chances are you will have great ratings and reviews ultimately leading to higher volumes and increased sales for your farm!

Copyright ©2022 BelaStem, Inc. All rights reserved.